
Sunday, June 18, 2006

Going HOME ...

It is 7.43am ... woke up without an alarm this morning. Amazing! I think it's because I "shui bao le". Yesterday was one Saturday that Bruce and me didn't catch a late movie ... Decided to rest early. It's our first free Sat for a long while cos it's been 2 weeks since he stopped working on Sat, but he had to attend a wedding last Sat. He has had so much more free time ever since... free on Wed night, Thurs night & Sat for one whole day! But good la... he has been sleeping earlier... recuperating his bridegrrom-to-be beauty sleep (or shd I call it "handsome sleep"). Sounds weird.

Wat am I doing online so early in the morning? Work actually. But I decided to take a breather since there still time before going to church. Office meeting on Monday... I'm the overall slides compiler. Ah Ling and Jeannie sent me slides late last night... Thought of compiling them before I leave the house. Da jia xin ku le!

Anyway ... I happened to be discussing this week's CG sermon with Sherene yesterday. She said .. "Going to church & CG should be like going home"... I think that's so true. That's why no matter what burdens you have, how tiring a week it was... you make the effort to go to church & CG. In fact, you look forward to it. Because we are going home... to a place we meet our Comforter and our brothers and sisters... it's a place you feel secure, loved, at peace, encouraged. The reason why some see coming to church and CG as a dread and chore (esp when they don't feel like it) is because they don't see their church friends as their spiritual family -- peple that care for & support them.

And so... sadly for these people.... going to church becomes a duty to fulfil someone's (usually the CGL) expectations and not going home... When church & CG is actually such an enjoyable thing! If you are reading this now and that's you... I hope this can become your revelation too. "Being planted in the house of God" means so much more than just to be a faithful attendee .... it's about establishing lasting relationships with other children of God.

Woo.. look at the time.. I gotta go wash up & prepare to "go home"!


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